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Important reminder! Export to this country please pay attention to this new regulation! Or will affect the shipment of goods!
来源:    时间:2019-04-09    

Foreign trade friends attention! Recently, there is a new regulation that all the goods exported to Iran must comply with the requirements of "No approval, No Load", that is, the bill of lading to Iran, and the manifest information should be provided to the ship owner in advance, and the ship owner can only be loaded after the review!

For this reason, OOCL issued a special emergency notice! See the picture below!

At the same time, the shipping company once again stressed that the 8-digit Hs code must be provided for the goods exported to Iran, and it should be shown on the bill of lading. And To Order bills of lading will no longer be accepted for goods exported To Iran.

Once again, I would like to remind all foreign trade owners and freight forwarders that all goods exported to Iran must comply with the requirements of "No approval, No Load" and shall be submitted to the shipowner for review before shipment!

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